2020 Special Offer for UK Schools

English in Britain and CoursePricer

CoursePricer, online since 2016, is the winner of the 2019 BYTA Gold Award for Best Support Service. Installed on school and agent websites all over the world, the utility enables students to get instant itemised quotes. Great for your website, great for your agents' websites, great for student engagement; students get what they want, and you get the benefit of their satisfaction and confidence.

English in Britain, online since 1997, won the BYTA Gold Award for Best Support Service in 2015. UK market-dedicated, the multi-media suite delivers serious, quality prospects to your website. Details of all referrers (e.g. 120 Google domains, 38 British Council URLs, search engines, official and specialist sites all over the world) with downloads, stats and maps, are published on the MORE page.

Act now and you can secure your two-for-one deal for the future. Don't delay! Offer expires February 14th.